The Harvesters Series
In a world dominated by bloodthirsty aliens, a wise-cracking mercenary and a woman with incredible powers are humanity’s last hope for survival. But when a mysterious new enemy arrives on the planet, do the unlikely heroes have what it takes to save the world? Don your power armor, grab the popcorn, and prepare for one rip-roaring thrill-ride through the alien apocalypse!
16 products
Red Gambit | Ebook
Sale price$0.99 NZD
Hell to Pay | Ebook
Sale price$5.99 NZD
Reaping Day | Ebook
Sale price$5.99 NZD
Retribution | Ebook
Sale price$5.99 NZD
The Harvesters Prequels Collection | Ebook
Sale price$5.99 NZD
The Complete Harvesters Series Collection | Ebook
Sale price$19.99 NZD
Red Gambit | Audiobook
Sale price$14.00 NZD
Hell to Pay | Audiobook
Sale price$24.00 NZD
Reaping Day | Audiobook
Sale price$24.00 NZD
Retribution | Audiobook
Sale price$24.00 NZD
The Complete Harvesters Series Audio Bundle
Sale price$54.00 NZD
Regular price$95.00 NZD
Red Gambit | Paperback
Sale price$24.00 NZD
Hell to Pay | Paperback
Sale price$29.00 NZD
Reaping Day | Paperback
Sale price$31.00 NZD
Retribution | Paperback
Sale price$31.00 NZD
The Harvesters Prequels Collection | Paperback
Sale price$24.00 NZD