Got It.
Whatever It Was.
Look. Let's be honest. I use this page for like 900 different click confirmations. I am but one man. One man with one page, and one mildly competent armada of automation bots.
The important part is that your click HAS been registered, and my silly little team of automation bots should be on it now… Whatever "it" was. Thank you for clarifying whatever you just clarified. 😬
<3 - Luke
Also, while I have you here…
A few things you might like to know
I'm hooked! Luke is a freaking phenomenal storyteller!
Thing #1: Where to Find My Books
Two main options
And you really can't go wrong either way.

Buy Direct from the Author
Cut out the middlemen, save money, and maximize your support to the author by buying your books directly from my book store! Ebooks and audio are delivered via BookFunnel and readable on phones, tablets, Kindles, Nooks, and pretty much anything else. We've also got paperbacks.

Find the Books at Your Usual Store
Our system works with pretty much every app and device under the sun, but if you'd prefer to stick with your go-to store, we get it! That's why we made this handy-dandy page with links to find all of Luke's books pretty much everywhere books are sold.
Good books by a really good author. I subscribe to his newsletter and follow on Amazon. One of a few and totally worth it.
Thing #2: Where to Find ME
If you have burning questions or need to get ahold of me for whatever reason, your best bet is to email me at luke@lukermitchell.com
On account of the whirlwind of trying to be a full-time writer AND full-time dad, I do tend to be slow as frozen molasses, but I do read every email I get, and I'll do my best to get back to you when I can!
Thing #3: Short Stories
I love 'em.
But since that's not actionable information, here's some free ones to get you going…

The Day the Death Clocks Stood Still
Bold new health trends, a smidgen of existential dread, and way more pastries than you'd expect. Come see what happened on the Day the Deathclocks Stood Still!

Da Vinci in the Writers' Room
Step inside the head of the last human at the table, and weep. Just kidding. This one's a comedy. Pure storytelling gold. Enjoy!

Want ALL the books and short stories?
Join us on Patreon for instant access to my ENTIRE published library (currently sitting at 13 novels, 11 audiobooks, 20+ short stories, and counting), plus new monthly stories and other goodies!
I'm not good at words, thankfully though Luke Mitchell is great at it. I'll just have to simply say that I love his writing!
Thing #4: The Love of the Father

Because I might not be YOUR father, but I am A father.
And I love you.
Okay, okay. Let's not make it weird. Just go buy some books and keep me in business or whatever. Yeesh.
Happy trails, Book Fan! Thank you for swinging by my shiny new book store.
Visit Luke's Book Shop